What is Nmap? Why you need this network mapper/ How to use hacker's Nmap and Nmap based hacking motivational movie download

What is Nmap?

What is Nmap? Why you need this network mapper/ How to use hacker's Nmap and Nmap based hacking motivational movie download

Hacking tools are computer programs and scripts that help you find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system, web application, server, and network. Many types of equipment are available nowadays. Among them we will learn about some popular tools
one by one....

Nmap  Introduction and history:-

Nmap means Network Mapper. It is an open source software. You can use it for free. This tool is very important for hacking or ethical hacking. It was created by Gordon Lyon (Fyodor) and it was made in September 1997 (23 released years ago) It is written in C, C ++, Python, Language
Using this tool for penetration testing for venerability detection, which server has HTTP, UDP  FTP, TCP port on your server for port scanning for OS detection of Host Discovery. Which hosts exist.

What are the names of those services that they are using, what is the version and what version are they using and which operating system are they using or which port is open in their system, you are aware of all these Can get by what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics.It was designed to rapidly scan large networks. but works fine against single hosts.
Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are available for Linux Windows, and Mac OS X In addition to the classic command-line Nmap  executable, the Nmap suite includes and advanced GUI and results viewer.Through this you will be able to know the loop hole of your server and how it can be penetrated inside your network and server Nmap performs safe scanning so that the target is not detected.

How to hackers used nmap ?

 For hacking it is necessary that we should have complete information about the Victim, which operating system is doing it, which port is open in its system, then hackers scan your system through Nmap to find out who is in your system or network. Which is the week point that can be traveled

Nmap  based movie 

In the Matrix Reloaded movie, Trinity is seen using the Nmap to access a power plant's computer system, allowing Neo to "physically" break into the building.

What is Nmap? Why you need this network mapper/ How to use hacker's Nmap and Nmap based hacking motivational movie download

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